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Setting up an Ingress Controller

Supported Ingress Controllers

The Platformer Console currently supports both Nginx and Traefik Ingress Controllers for Kubernetes.


To extend support to a different Ingress Controller, please contact Platformer Support.


You only need to install one Ingress Controller on your Cluster. If you do want to configure a Multi-Cluster Environments, please ensure that you install the same version of the Ingress Controller across all clusters that you want to use.

Before you begin

Installing Nginx Ingress Controller

Using Platformer Shell

  1. Access Kubectl Shell from the Console
  2. Run the following commands

    kubectl create ns nginx-ingress
    helm repo add stable
    helm install nginx-ingress stable/nginx-ingress \
    --set rbac.create=true \
    --set controller.service.type=LoadBalancer \
    --set controller.metrics.enabled=true \
    --set controller.stats.enabled=true \
    --namespace nginx-ingress

Manual Install

Please follow the steps for your specific Kubernetes infrastructure provider: Nginx Ingress Installation Guide

Installing Traefik Ingress Controller

Please follow the steps for your specific Kubernetes infrastructure provider: Treafik Installation Guide