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Connecting a Kubernetes Cluster

Platformer Console can connect with any cluster that has egress (Outbound) access to port 443 on Platformer Servers. You can read more about this under Network section in Cluster Requirements.

Platformer Agent opens a secure tunnel with the Platformer Servers, Allowing Platformer Console to push configurations to your Kubernetes clusters.

Read more on how Platformer Agent runs on your Cluster


  • A Kubernetes cluster that meets the minimum requirements.
  • Administrative Kubectl access to the Cluster.
  • Administrative privileges on the Platformer Console.
    • Organization Admin or
    • Operational Admin (Project-level) or
    • Cluster Admin

Connecting the Cluster

  1. To create or add a new cluster select the Cluster menu option from the left side panel and then click on the Create button as shown in the screenshot below.

  2. Select Connect Existing Kubernetes Cluster


    Note that creating a Kubernetes Cluster through the Platformer Console is currently unavailable.

  3. Enter the Cluster name (does not have to be the ‘actual’ name of the Cluster - this name is only used within the Console)

  4. Once the form is completed, you will be provided with `kubectl applylink to copy and paste in your terminal.

  5. Open your terminal, ensure that kubectl is set to the right context and run the copied command. This will install the Platformer Agent in your cluster.


    Note that the installation may take anywhere from 30 seconds to 5 minutes depending on your network conditions

  6. Refresh the cluster list (please allow up to 5 minutes for the agent to initialize). Once the connection to the Cluster is established, the status of your cluster will be shown as Active

Platformer CLI will be available soon


Please refer to the Troubleshooting Guide.